Rose Olson: Double Orange Left, Acrylic on Paper, 41 x 26 inches , 2005

Joanne Mattera : Silk Road 99, Encaustic on panel, 12 x 12 inches, 2008

Pratt Manhattan Gallery, New York, NY, 2007

Steven Alexander : Sage, acrylic on canvas, 48 x 60 inches, 2006

Following is an excerpt from a conversation between Chris Ashley and Tilman,
Tilman, by Chris Ashley
MINUS SPACE, June-August 2006 :
CA: The color is material, first. It could be the natural color of the material, or painted, or printed, or the color is applied in some way. It’s a property of the object. Of course, color is made possible by light, but how does the color move from being a physical thing to being simply light?
T: In early Greek philosophy, light is described as the fourth element, the ether; they called it Olkas, a carrier which holds all together. That’s what I am trying to say with simply light, making a reference to this thought. So color, yes, as a material it becomes a carrier of thought, something essential, so to say.
And finally, as August steamrolls past us, Julie Gross sums it up:
"...Orange...the warmest color
:: Happy Summer Days ::
nice piece
take a look at the orange works
by Juan Jose Cambre
I like those paintings very much and they are familiar to me -- the center image
Thanks so much for reading
Hi Kate
I am not wild about orange normally but you have an unerring eye for choosing very beautiful works to accompany your thoughts. I like the Jackson one, quite Rothko really, and I love the Alexander one. Wonderful summery theme.
Thanks for posting about this show. I only wish I could see things like this around here. Gonna try to get my ass to NYC soon.
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